Who are we and what do we do?
We are a group of like-minded people who care about our village and do our best to preserve its unique character. The daffodils, crocus and some of the trees you see in Old Coulsdon have been planted by volunteers from the Association.
Conservation of the environment
OCRA monitors the green belt in our area - the open spaces and Bradmore Green Conservation Area - and protests against infringements.
OCRA keeps a watching brief over trees and tree management in the Old Coulsdon area and has planted many bulbs and trees to enhance the area.
OCRA supports the Friends of Bradmore Green Pond, a group whose remit is to ensure that our pond is maintained and enhanced by organising volunteer working days.
OCRA supports the Friends of Farthing Downs, a group dedicated to the preservation of this important open space.
Social amenities
OCRA was the prime mover in the establishment in 1984 of the Old Coulsdon Centre for the Retired in Grange Park. OCRA was also involved in successfully campaigning for the retention of Bradmore Green Library.
Additionally, OCRA gives you the chance meet your neighbours at functions including residents' meetings and a Theatre club. An OCRA Walking group created its own 47 mile footpath to Brighton - the Socratic Trail.
OCRA takes part in the annual Village Fair organised by the Rotary Club of Coulsdon Manor.
Local issues
One of your Old Coulsdon Ward Councillors attends OCRA committee meetings. They raise matters of local concern with the Council.
OCRA vets Planning Applications and comments where necessary to help ensure that developments and extensions are in keeping with the character of Old Coulsdon.
OCRA is represented on the East Surrey Transport Committee and puts its members' points of view about any items related to local public transport - trains and buses.
OCRA is represented on other bodies such as the London Green Belt Council, which deal with matters of a wider issue.
OCRA works closely with the Police & Safer Neighbourhoods Team.
We publish a Newsletter three times a year that is delivered to all members. For the princely sum of £2.00 you can join the association by contacting your local Road Steward and receive your copy, packed with local information and forthcoming events. It is delivered to your door by our volunteer Road Stewards, without whom we would be lost! If you would like to become a volunteer, please contact us. We would greatly appreciate your help.
If you feel that you can help us in any way by joining the committee, even if it is only to have a say in what we do, please contact our Chairman or any member of the committee that you meet in the local area.