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Caterham Flood Action Group (FLAG)

In response to decades of flooding, members of the community came together following the great flood of June 2016, to form the Caterham Flood Action Group (FLAG), to represent flood victims from Chaldon, Caterham on the Hill and Old Coulsdon, assisted by the National Flood Forum (NFF)


For too long responsibilities had been fractured, each 'blamed' the other, we needed joined up thinking. 


The NFF initially helped to organise multi-agency meetings (MAM) approx every three months with the authorities, being Surrey County Council (SCC), Tandridge District Council (TDC), London Borough of Croydon (LBC), Thames Water (TW), the Environment Agency (EA) and the City of London, with the intention of seeking a long term solution to flooding. We are very grateful for their commitment to managing the flood risk.


The flood alleviation scheme discussed here within is predominantly for the local area, information (planning regs/emergency numbers) is relevant to all residents of Tandridge and Croydon.


During the MAM, we work through our action plan, a list of questions, the agencies receive this in advance, previous questions can be found here.


The FLAG consists of local volunteers; most have experience of being flooded, from both sides of the administrative border.  We represent residents from Chaldon, Caterham on the hIll and Old Coulsdon and are your voice during the MAMs.


Should you have any queries or issues you'd like to bring to our attention, please email -


For some background info/reports see the History page


We strongly advise you to Report issues to the authorities.


For affordable insurance, investigate the Flood RE scheme.


When considering extending your home and submitting a planning application, refer to Local plans (LP) for guidance, see development, please be advised that LP's are requiring Sustainable Drainage systems (SuDS, eg soak aways), if unsure seek advice.


You MUST consider how you will manage your surface water on site to ensure it is not permitted to inundate the foul sewer and flood homes downstream with effluent.


If you have been internally flooded with sewage twice before, a Property Level Resilience (PLR) consultant (to be appointed by Thames Water (TW)) will survey your home.  If you have been internally flooded with sewage twice before, cost of survey, installation and PLP will be courtesy of TW. We shall keep you posted.


TW flood advice


Ultimately, we need to make our community more resilient in case of emergency, be it flood, water/power/gas outage etc

If you, a family member, neighbour is vulnerable, please register...


In the event of an emergency where there is a threat to life, or the house is likely to flood call 999.


The Caterham on the Hill Parish Council have appointed an Emergency Resilience Officer, Nick Morley, who is in the process of creating emergency plans.


Closed Face book page - 'Caterham Flood Action Group', used to share flood warnings plus other info. request to join.


See also 'Caterham Hill Resilience' FB page.


Contact us 

Nick – 07843 41924  (covering Caterham on the Hill and Old Coulsdon only).


Julie - 





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